This was one of my first suits I acquired over the years and it has seen some considerable use too. The suit when I first bought it has a plain black skirt that was just a bit too short for my liking to make it follow a 40s look but over time, I found an all black suit with a plain black skirt that worked beautifully with this suit. . .So, when I wear this one, I don't wear this jacket's original skirt. With that said, this suit is a 40s original with some great detailing. Paired with it are some original 40s accessories too although sadly these pictures turned out a little too dark . . . . .Oh well, it was one of those wintery days . .
The suit here has such lovely little textural details in the form of velvet piping at the pockets and along the edge of the collar which is actually a double collar. The pockets are really unique in that they are not the typical patch pocket but are built into the construction of the jacket. At first glance, you would mistake them for simple detailing of the jacket and not functional pockets.
For this particular outfit, I kept it quite simple and chose a red pump, a red reptile skin bag, and a pin with hints of red in it. I chose to go with a red theme here because I thought it would work really well with the dark colors of the suit. I did chose a black fur muff though since it is winter. I think the best part of this outfit though is the hat. I have owned this hat for about a year and it is one of my best finds. It is a whole black bird mounted onto a crinoline base edged in velvet. The bird has a head, complete with beak, and a large wingspan all stretched out to really give that hat some unusual shape. The veiling is original to the hat. For jewelry, red and clear stones to go with that hint of red the rest of the outfit has. . .