Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

Book Review: Style Me Vintage: A Guide to Sourcing and Creating Retro Looks by Naomi Thompson


The world of vintage is one of adventure and education as you gradually learn about the different decade and what suits you best. To grasp the knowledge that would serve you well can take years to accumulate, but, there is an easier method.  Style Me Vintage by Naomi Thompson was my very first vintage styling book and has guided me well into the world of vintage and I believe it would serve you well too. Creatively written and with excellent images and advice, Thompson extends her vintage expertise to the willing beginner just entering the vintage scene or simply the curious. In her introduction, Thompson argues, and suggests, that armed with the knowledge of the basic trends in each decade you can build a vintage wardrobe to suit your body shape and build a gorgeous vintage wardrobe. This work also serves as a guide to buying, trying on, and generally looking for vintage.

The bulk of this charming work tackles each decade, from the 20s to the 80s, in two to three parts per decade and offers advice on what specific items to look for. For example, for her chapter on 40s fashion, Thompson looks at informal, causal, and formal looks separately while at the same time delving into specific accessories such as propaganda scarfs and cordébags to enhance each look. Along with the text, clear, detailed images abound in this book to guide you on your own hunt for vintage. Aside from specific looks, more general information is included as well to offer a foundation to jump off of. Another factor that enhances this work are the vibrant pages that feature many great vintage fabric prints and colors. Pages such as these contribute to the charming feel of this work and offer a great feel for the respective decades.

Not only does Thompson discuss each decade in depth, but she also discusses the more technical aspects of vintage such as proper foundation garments, care and cleaning, and simply how to get into vintage clothes (because let’s face it, that can be an ordeal in itself). Having the right undergarments, according to Thompson “ . . .can make a huge difference in how clothes sit on you” and I completely agree. In this section of the book, Thompson looks at basic pieces and gives a brief history of underwear as well as what to look out for on your search. One piece that she points out to achieve a great vintage shape is a baby corset to achieve that 50s waistline. Once you have your vintage, how so you take care of it to make it last longer? Well, Thompson talks about that as well. For small rips or holes, try darning with a small backing of silk and washing the un-washable garments, try diluted vodka. These are only some of the many, many hints and tricks recommended by Thompson.

As one of the U.K.’s premier personal vintage shoppers, Thompson has curated this work so that you can take her expert advice with you when you go shopping to build your own vintage wardrobe. Although this work is most certainly detailed, there are some limitations to this work in that she does not focus on different countries and their specific trends. With that said, if you need to know certain trends in France, Germany, or the United States, this work does not do this. Instead this work offers a nice general view of fashion in the 20th century as a whole. Overall, Style my Vintage, is a great addition to anyone entering the world of vintage or anyone who wants to extend their library selection. To the beginner, this book offers a foundation, an introduction, and to the seasoned shopper, a refreshing and inspiring look at vintage looks decade by decade. A highly recommended read.