Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

The Poodle: A 40s Hairstyle

I have been a long time admirer of this particular 40s hair style for a very long time and have tried to replicate it for just as long. What is this look you ask? The Poodle of course. So what, exactly, is this look and how can I too recreate it? Well, both of those questions I plan to address here so that you too can sport this snazzy do.
The Poodle was just one of the many unique hair styles that graced the 40s and the 50s. What makes this look so unique is the cluster of thick curls all focused on the top and front of the head creating something that looks like a poodle's poof. Below, an original example:
So, how does one even begin to start to craft this look? Simple, actually it is deceptively simple! To start, wet your hair and make some pin curls. Pin curls are super easy to do if you have not done them before. To make a pin curl, take a pinch of hair, wrap it around your finger, but not too tight, and then secure the curl to the scalp with a bobby pin. For this look, I make two rows of curls along the top of my forehead, the start of my hair line. After that, I made more rows of curls working my way to the back of my head keeping the most of my hair on the top of my head. I want my curls to be at the top of my head because that is where the most of this hair is focused once done.
When you get passed the ear, take a comb (or brush) and move the hair on the back of your head up one small piece at a time - take your time too - no rush here. Once all of your hair is curled, let the curls set over night, this gives time for your hair to dry and the curls to get a good shape too. You may wrap a silk scarf around your head too to keep the curls smooth but don't have too.
In the morning, pull the pins out but don't break up the curl too much, you want to keep the curls in shape as much as you can. For the sides and back of the head, gently push your curls to the top of your head and with a comb, smooth the back of your hair a little (that's optional, looks nice but again, optional). Secure the curls to the top with pins, the pins will be horizontal, not vertical (up/down). Use as many pins as you deem necessary and spray, spray, spray with lots of hairspray.
With your fingers, tease the curls apart if you want to get some volume. What I like to do is pull then down over my forehead a little and spray with hairspray for interesting shape.
Once I have the curls how I like them, you can leave them be or add a flower like I did: