Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

A Plaid, Wool Waistcoat

I thought a nice wardrobe addition would be a plaid, wool waist coat from a 1941 Lutterloh pattern which can be seen here below. For my example, I went with Modell A and made mine double breasted as well. This pattern was really easy to make but sewing it up was another beast altogether especially since I wanted it top stitched too. What helped me really put this one together was the front facing to complete the top shoulder and collar. I made the button hole by machine and low and behold made them on the wrong side. Figures. Thankfully, I was able to re do them on the other side with out having to unpick he fubars. You can't even see them which is the best part . . .I guess I did the right wrong side  . .right?
Next, some close ups of the front and the back. I made this waistcoat out of the left over material from my suit and wore it with the skirt to make an outfit out of it. I am planning and hoping to get a lot of wear out of this piece this fall and winter. The buttons I used were small brass ones with little star bursts on them  . . subtle but cute I think.