Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

40s Turbans and Head Wraps for the Practical

As an admirer of 40s turbans and head wraps, I really did not see myself sporting one anytime soon simply because I believed that it was simply not my taste (just because one likes it does not mean one should wear it right?). But, I have experienced a change in attitude when I realized how wonderfully practical they are keeping ones hair out of the way and hiding hair that is simply un dressed. As a result, recently I have begun to adopt turbans and head wraps into my wardrobe very gradually and slowly starting with them for work wear to keep my hair out of my eyes. So far, I have been using them for more practical reasons but hope to add them in for fashion wear before too long. Before I go showing off my interpretations, I thought that it only makes sense that I offer some of my research first and my inspiration.

What I managed to find was that period turbans and head wraps could be fashioned out of scarves of silk of cotton or else a wonderfully knitted creations. They could be simple or elaborate depending on the skills of the wearer. I found too that these were popular for both American and German women which I will feature more specifically later.  . . .in the meantime are these not smashing? I hope to make more use of this very practical accessory in the future.