Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

Not As Planned But . . .

This garment post, and day these photos were taken did not go as planned but . .. turned out more than fine thankfully. First, my most recent Lutterloh make. This was supposed to be one skirt but due to my boo boos and poor planning turned out to be another. You see, I failed to properly add enough material at the hem to make a pleated front skirt  . .. that was the bulk of my woos. I re did the skirt a few times and in the end turned it into another Lutterloh make that I have already done. Here, a Lutterloh make from 1940 and 1941 but this time in a cream/ green check.

As a whole, this was a really nice skirt and I'm quite happy with it. I also added a pearl buckle to the belt. To wear with, I wore a white blouse I made awhile ago from a late 30s Hollywood Pattern. I love that blouse and will have to feature that someday . . .

Like this skirt, this day did not go as planned, but in a good way. I expected a cloudy, cold day but instead was greeted with warmth and sunshine. Not what I prepared for and as a result had my coat open for the day. I also wore my large mink stole and green felt bonnet. For my stockings, I chose a thicker stocking (believe it or not, they are tights from Target) and a low heeled shoe. Very casual. And warm. I planed for a cold day remember? Now, looking at these pictures, the veil on by bonnet was a little wonky but I think it adds some character . . .