The final instalment of the Frauen- Warte pages! Oh my! Well, to round off the fashion spreads from the war years here is 1944 and 1945 from the Frauen - Warte. By this time, the Frauen -Warte and the Nazi regime was in its twilight years and the pages of this magazine dwindled significantly particularly in fashion spreads. Below are the fashion images from the Frauen Warte from the years 1944 -1945. Here, there are not many pages featuring original fashion but instead ideas on how to make do with what was available. For the most part, the mages advised on knitting small winter items and simple accessories instead of full dresses or looks. There are only a couple of pages concerning redoing full dresses.
That's all from the pages of the Frauen Warte!
Did you miss all of my previous installments? Don't worry, here they all are: