Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

An Original Suit in Grey and Pink

1940s suits

It is no secret that I have a soft spot for vintage suits, 40s or 50s I don’t care. This time, I have for view a great original 40s suit in grey with pink flecks in the weave. When I was looking at this one, I thought it was more on the  purple side but in person it is definitely grey, a light grey. To add some definition and character, there were hints of pink in the fabric itself. What is the fabric you ask? A light weight wool.  . . .So where did I find this gem? I found it on Etsy at Nostalgia Vintage 2. This suit was a great find and that is understatement.  . . .let me explain . . . .
1940s suits

After our blueberry season was over, my folks and I went up North for a little bit for R &R and I wore this up and packed an assortment of summer dresses. Alas! The weather was more of a hint of fall than a last hurrah of summer. Too cold for the dresses I packed, I ended up almost living in this suit for a week because it was the warmest thing I had to wear during the day. I really cannot describe how great-full I was I had packed this girl (technically I wore it up but no matter).
1940s suits

To make it through the week in the same suit I changed up the blouse underneath and added a few pieces of jewelry and hats to shake it up each day. One day I wore this pin and the next day another one. Same for my hats, shoes, and gloves. . . .It was the little things that gave this suit some extra mileage. Oh yes, and while on holiday I found more shell jewelry! Two of them worked wonderfully with this suit . . .what do you think?

For my accessories, I was able to make this a great looking 40s look and even a sharp 50s one too with the change of a hat. Oh yes, and I have to introduce my newest and greatest accessory: a mint condition silver fox stole. Oh and my new bag too which is a snake skin bag (I think I have seen this style in a period add before and will have to find it for a show and tell post some day). By the way, this bag matches my favorite snake skin shoes too.
1940s suits

I wore this charming stole a great deal already and he looks marvelous with all of my suits, many of my dresses, and overall he is a real sport. His name is Boris too by the way. Oh I cannot describe how great a find this was! When I first saw him I just had to have him and made a bee line right for the sucker. I may have shoved over an old woman to get to him but it was all a blur. . . I really don’t remember too well . . .Bottom line is he’s all mine, was a GREAT buy, goes with all most all my stuff, and he is super period too. Where did he come from? My most favorite antique mall: Lakeshore Antiques of course . . . AHHHH Such a lucky ducky I am! Another thing I love about this fox is that it looks just like the one on the cover of my German Fashion Magazine . . .
1940s suits

1940s suits

A grey suit can be worn anywhere I learned. . . To shopping, for errands, and even to the beach. Yes, the beach . . .my mummy and I took a small side trip to Point Betsie to see the waves and took advantage of the scenery  . . . Then we went to Frankfort and took advantage of that too. What a flexible suit that can go anywhere at any time. . .another reason why I love a good 40s suit.
1940s suits
1940s suits