Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

Aprons According to Der Golden Schnitt

Although an incredibly common 40s item, aprons are really the unsung hero of 40s fashion. These utilized fun prints, scraps of all sizes, and protected the dress or outfit underneath. Aprons were not only a very practical item but a fashionable one as well. This month, I offer to you some aprons from Der Golden Schnitt to inspire you too. These items are truly little works of art. They were simply elaborate and filled with character. Some made use of button detailing, ruffles, and even embroidery. to think that these were practical items that more than likely never, or else very seldom, left the confines of the house or a domestic sphere. Of these aprons, there are those worn with the traditional German costumes, those are smaller and more decorative, and then the more everyday ones. For this particular post, I am focusing on the mass consumer designs aimed at the average woman found in the books first, then professional aprons, then the traditional ones worn with the dirndls.  Enjoy!
1940s German Fashion

1940s German Fashion

1940s German Fashion
1940s German Fashion

For the aprons needed for a more professional service, wether servant or nurse.:
1940s German Fashion
1940s German Fashion
The more traditional aprons, this is just a small sample, of the aprons worn with the more traditional garb that Nazi Germany would have preferred their women wear. These are more decorative than practical due to their overall size and the amount to work that appears to have gone into them. Between the embroidery and applique, these are too nice it would appear for kitchen duty. . .
1940s German Fashion

1940s German Fashion

That's all for this month. So, do you want an apron too fit for a 40s wardrobe? Stay tuned too for one of my apron Lutterloh makes that I hope to share later this month.