Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

40s Hats According to Der Goldene Schnitt, Part 1

First Monday of the month! Here is another According to Der Golden Schnitt!
Like the survey of 40s hair styles in Der Goldene Schnitt, I figured a nice addition would be to include a spot on hats and other head wear that I chose not to cover in the one on hair. The variety of these featured hats is immense and I found almost every thing from tilt hats to wide brimmed sun hats to even turbans. Personally, I love to wear hats and always have since very young but my taste (thankfully) has developed since then to include more mature looks.

Since there were so many to look at, I have offered hats from 1940 to start. As an almost even mix of both feminine and masculine designs, there seemed to a hat for any woman and any occasion. Trimmings varied as well from feathers, flowers, netting, lace, ribbons, and some interesting sculptural plays too. In terms of materials, I would say felt, straw, cloth, etc. would have been used to create some of these creations. I have included here too scarves as a head covering. Anyway, here they are, enjoy:

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

40s Lutterloh

That's it for today, more later on.  . . .