Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

It’s A Towncliffe!

When it comes to suits, I seldom care about the label because as long as it fits what else really matters. Once I own the suit, then I may look at the label out of sheer curiosity. For this suit, I have worn it many times for many occasions but this time I decided to take a peek at the label. I did do some homework on it and sadly came out empty handed. What was I hoping to find? Well, anything to be frank. An advertisement would have been great. I suppose there were so many small name suit makers that few make it into history (unless it’s a Lillie Ann I suppose). The jacket did not yield any information but inside the skirt I found a little tag stating simply “It’s a Towncliffe” . . . which inspired the title for today’s post.

This suit was just perfect  today - not to warm but not too cool either. It was just right. The jacket is only half lined in the body and sleeves leaving the front where the buttons are unlined and un faced. There are bound button holes and very simple buttons down the center front. There are both functional and decorative breast pockets. Overall, a very smart yet casual 40s original suit.

Paired with it, an original 40s jumper in white cotton, an original 40s tilt hat, original snake skin bag (hat and bag both still incredible finds), and original shoes. As for the bag, it was one that I admired and admired for a long time. I found it at my favorite place, Lakeshore Antiques, and eventually broke down and bought it. I am surprised with how well it goes with everything. This bag also carries a lot of stuff! The pearls and screw back earrings are period as well. The ‘stockings’ if you will are actually modern tights but have a nice period look and feel to them.

For my hair, I chose to go with an equally period do but a more relaxed one too. Normally I don’t go for this kind of look but I thought this suit almost deserved it. After a generous shot of hair spray, it behaved all day . . . .

And one more just for fun . . . .