Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

A Sweet Pea Skirt

Well, here we are, Thanksgiving and I hope you are all having a very happy holiday out there. I know that it is November and the chill is certainly setting in but did you know that there are still flowers out? Roses are one of them and did you know that they will blossom and bloom until the first frost? It is true. I fondly remember a Thanksgiving day when we still had roses out and there was snow on the ground. For this look, I was still playing with the idea of a jacket paired with a contrasting skirt again  and here is another interpretation. Although last time I used a dress, this look uses only separates and still has that same feel.

Anyway, that takes me to today's look with a simple cotton skirt in a very colorful floral print which, I think, are sweet peas in an assortment of blues, purples, pinks, and reds. For the skirt pattern, I used a Lutterloh dress skirt pattern that I had great luck with in the past. I knew I did not want anything fancy in the skirt so that is why I picked a very plain pattern. Besides, the print was so busy that anything else would have been too much.

To complete this look, I layered it with a blouse, a cherry red suit jacket and my classic coat. The blouse was one I made a long time ago from a 30s pattern and features a ruffled jabot which peeks out of the jacket so charmingly I think. Since there is some nice red and pinks in the skirt, I wanted a red jacket to play that color up a bit. The jacket itself is a late 40s piece and has a matching skirt. Now that I look at the pictures, I see that the reds go in a diagonal . . what a nice detail . . .It is funny  the things you see after the thought. . . .
To top of this look, I chose a black hat, my corde bag, and a pair of modern shoes that still have that vintage look to them. . . .