Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

A Double Collar Blouse

1940s Lutterloh

When I received my 1949 Lutterloh book, I  poured over the pages, I thought that this was my most glamourous book yet. Within its covers, were looks that truly captivated that vintage look and had a balance of the practicality of the 40s with the glamour of the 50s. I knew right way I wanted something out of this book and to start I chose a simple blouse.
1940s Lutterloh
The Original Illustration
This blouse! What gravitated me to this blouse was the collar. I loved that double collar look and the shoulder yoke. Such a simple blouse with lovely subtle detail. I liked this blouse so much in fact that I made it twice. Once in a bright red floral print for work, and again in white to go with my suits. Today, the white version. So far, I have worn this blouse a great deal and it goes with all of my suits (although a good white blouse goes with all of them . . . ).
1940s Lutterloh make