Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

From Floral Gardens to Sandy Beaches . . .

original 40s suit
I firmly believe that a good suit can take you too many places effortlessly. Today I offer you another original 40s suit, this one from Vintage Vixen, that can certainly take me many places . . . . This suit is one of my most unique ones consisting of a striped jacket and solid grey skirt. Together they make a lovely outfit that I hope I can wear separately if needed to maximize my wardrobe. I think the material of this outfit is a lightweight wool with period plastic buttons. The colors of the jacket are a couple tones of grey with cream and earthy red added in. Overall, there are many subtle colors in this suit that make it able to pair well with many accessories.
original 40s suit

original 40s suit

original 40s suit

 I have to mention the pockets of the jacket too before I go on. . . .Look! They are triangles! I think these pockets are just beyond unique and were one of the reasons I chose this suit along with the interesting stripe of the jacket.
original 40s suit

original 40s suit

original 40s suit

original 40s suit

original 40s suit

When these pictures were taken, I knew we were going to walk the charming Downtown Frankfort area but later in the day I was pleasantly surprised with a tour of the Pointe Betsie Lighthouse (what a treat). Thankfully, this suit took me all over the place  . . . from gardens to the beach. The suit wore quite well and I think it fits like a dream too.
original 40s suit

original 40s suit

This time, I chose to wear this suit with green – green pumps, green bonnet, and green gloves. For more interest, I chose my snake skin bag and Boris (isn’t he a handsome fella). Jewelry consisted of a creamy rose set of a brooch and screw back earrings. I think this set is from the 50s or 60s but it was too cute not to wear.

Strolling the streets and ducking in and out of shops, my sister and I encountered a little doggie who took quite an interest in my silver fox . . . he really, really, really wanted it. . .. Such a cute little fella and assuming he could not do much damage I let the little pooch give my stole a little hello consisting of licks and pawing. So cute!
As the day continued on, we found ourselves at Pointe Betsie Lighthouse and what a treat! This place is seldom opened so when we saw the open flag flicking in the wind we were compelled to stop. The lighthouse is such a charming place and it does not look much like a lighthouse until you glimpse the tower through the trees . . .Otherwise, the place looks like a beachside country house. Inside, were warm interiors consisting of a living room, dining area, and kitchen. Naturally, I had to get some pictures.

Did we climb the lighthouse tower? Well of course we did! The view was incredible. Breathtaking. Worth climbing all 34 or so steep, narrow steps. Any pictures of the view? No. So you will have to go there yourself. .  . . .