Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

A Winter Skirt in Plaid

At times we all have very good intentions of doing something and sometimes those intentions do not materialize like planned. That is what happened with today's look  . . .or to be more specific the skirt. I had intended this material to be a 1949 Lutterloh dress but it was not going to happen. The pattern did not look like I thought it would on me and the wool was simply too heavy. I think my poor fabric choice was the main culprit. But, all is not lost as the skirt portion of the dress turned out great.
So far I have been able to pair this skirt with two of my suit jackets to get two really different looks. This was really possible because of the colors in the plaid itself being black, navy and dark green. I have mixed and matched this with a black jacket and navy accessories. A green jacket and green accessories and the list goes on and on.

In some ways, I think it really turned out better this way only having the skirt turn out. I can wear this and maximize my suit and blouse wardrobe in way a dress simply could not have done.  . .

 So far this skirt is a great addition, an accidental one, but a great winter one. The weight of the wool is nice and warm and I think the coloring lends itself nicely with the colors of fall and winter. I have a feeling that this skirt will get a lot of wear in the future and will surface many more times on this blog as I go and show off some of my Lutterloh blouses and blouses made form some printed patterns.. . . of which there are many now.